Evolution of Republican leadership

I wonder if Dan Quayle ever found the back

Posted by nashwaak

  1. Trump isn’t just stupid. He’s a fucking moron. His own Secretary of State even said so.

  2. What Quayle said isn’t even stupid. He could’ve phrased it a bit better. But it’s still not stupid.

  3. If switching 2 words that *are basically the same* once in a sentence makes you stupid, I don’t know anyone not stupid.

  4. Aye, the world vilified Quayle over the spelling of potatoe . Yet the other person is most likely a potato. (Which is smarter, a rock or a potato?)

  5. It is kinda wild how Dan Quayle doesn’t seem all that dumb next to Donnie dipshit.

    To be fair, I don’t remember a whole lot about Quayle, so there is some recency bias.

  6. Dan Quail wasn’t a genius, but at least he wasn’t a rapist racist criminal conman pedophile who wants to be dictator.

  7. Can’t expect much from a guy who had a feud with a fictional character and lost. Hard. It’s been decades and it still cracks me up when I think about it. Lol

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