Collasant eu gwaed!

Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi
Gwlad beirdd a chantorion, enwogion o fri
Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarwyr tra mâd
Tros ryddid gollasant eu gwaed

Collasant eu gwaed:
they lost their blood

Gwaed: blood

Colli: to lose
Ar goll: lost

Cof: memory
Cofio: to remember
Cofiwch: remember! (Imperative)
Cofiadwy: memorable
Cofion cynnes: warm rememberences (at the end of a message or letter)
Atgof: a recollection
Gofid: grief, sorrow
Cofrestr: register (rhestr: list)

Gof: blacksmith
Gofannu: to forge
Any connection to the English phrase ‘to forge a memory’

Damwain: an accident
yn ddamweiniol: accidental
Bwriad: an intention
Neu’n fwriadol: or intentional

A nice connection either way!

Mae'n atgoffa fi o: it reminds me of

Atgoffa fi sut: remind me how

Atgoffa fi sut i ddweud….
remind me how to say…

Gan Joshua Morgan
Sketchy Welsh

by SketchyWelsh

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