Trump’s not weird you’re weird

Trump’s not weird you’re weird

Posted by awesomestwinner

  1. “That’s not weird!” – ‘Christian’ American Republican MAGA cultists that love a convicted rapist and adulterer and admitted sexual assaulter who also bragged about walking into changing rooms of fifteen year old girls!

  2. You know this ‘weird’ jab was working really well until these bot farms beat the ever-loving shit out of this dead horse.

    Who is managing you guys? Who is thinking ‘do the same joke in 100 different ways, en masse, all at once’ is a good strategy?

    Christ, we’re all going to be sick of hearing it long before election time, where it’d be useful

    You guys have completely dominated the entire front page of Reddit with the same joke over and over again. You know less is more for this kind of thing right? You want one or two good ones that become zingers everyone remembers, not 1 or 2 good ones, and then 100,000 shitty ones that drown them out.

  3. He’s so gacked out in the video that this is from.
    You can’t really see his ginormous pupils in the still shot

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