What’s wrong with journalists these days?

What’s wrong with journalists these days?

Posted by Sound_Space

  1. I don’t understand why she didn’t follow by asking “what do you think is so nasty about that?” What would his answer be other than “you repeated what I said”?

  2. This is the most egregious example of gotcha liberal journalism since Katie Couric audaciously asked Sarah Palin what magazines she read! /s

  3. She didn’t say “Hello”

    Also his team wouldn’t let him go on because the journalists insisted on fact checking him in real time, so there was a long delay. Then he went on and said the delay was because their equipment wasn’t working. He brought that up multiple times and she didn’t once just get up and punch him in the throat. She deserves a Pulitzer Prize and possibly a Nobel Prize for Peace.

  4. How long do you think it took him to call her a “nasty n****** bitch” when he went back to his team after the interview? 5 seconds at most? There’s no way he ain’t calling Kamala that in private and none of his ass kissers dare to try to correct him and tell him it’s wrong to say that in 2024. If they do debate I’d say there’s a 50/50 chance he says the n word live on tv if she pushes his buttons enough.

  5. Trump: “I am a rich white man, I’m not to be held accountable for anything I’ve said or done.”

  6. He attacks her for being with ABC news. The only legitimate news organizations are ones that don’t criticize him.

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