Ukraine’s desperate need for soldiers spurs exodus of young men

Ukraine’s desperate need for soldiers spurs exodus of young men

Posted by chrisjd

  1. Whoa it’s almost like young men don’t want to be forced to participate in brutal warfare 😱

    Gotta love conscription.

  2. Has Zelynski thought about asking the west for soldiers? 

    They’re more difficlut for officials to sell under the table. Wouldn’t make much sense.

  3. Took them 2 years to notice that Ukraine became the modern day serfdom.

    If media got the green light to publish these truths at this point in time, one has to wonder how well Ukraine, that up to this point has been decisively winning with a 10:1 advantage according to their reporting, is actually doing and what other kinds of revelations are they going to talk about next.

    Because this is just the tip of the iceberg describing the actual levels of degradation, depravity, corruption and destitute taking hold with the west’s most recent, and to date most powerful proxy.

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