Would you rather let us back in or have t*rkey join the EU

Would you rather let us back in or have t*rkey join the EU

by am-345

  1. I would let you rejoin so we could gang up against Turkey and party like it’s 1683 again.

  2. *“We hate you and your culture with every fiber of our being, but you’re evil Islamophobic racists if you don’t let us join your club”*

  3. Why not maintain the status quo? We do not have to do either, so no need to choose. Sorry Barry, nice try though.

  4. How about fuck both of you?

    (a million times you Barry, what the fuck, how is this a question)

  5. We never wanted you to leave. However, as a federalist, I believe all member states should share the same currency…

  6. I’ve always been favorable to the idea of welcoming you back Barry. This time without the dozen privileges you had, though.

    As for Turkey, they can join in, if they have all the downsides and none of the upsides only. For balance.

  7. Let you back in? Motherfuckers you are the ones who left. I swear my cat is less schizoid than the average brit.

  8. Why would we want to come back? Everything is fine here now. We have become a paradise. Rule Britannia! I would post some more but I have to go as there are some fine young men with machetes at my door. Cheerio.

  9. Its gonna be SO MUCH FUN once this madman joins the war against israel. Who will the people in my country get behind, the turkeys or the jews?

    I think we all know the answer =)

    The only real question is, will they be stuffed into the same camps china has for the Uhygurs?

  10. turkish people doesnt support hamas, i’m sure germany or france has more hamas supporters

  11. “Hamad chief”

    You mean the politically focused dude who was trying towards towards a ceise fire right?

  12. You can come back, only if you get annexed.

    Pedro, Pierre, Hans…have fun boys

  13. Im not on side of Palestine but i get it if you do since Israel is quite ruthless and does stirr shit too but fucking supporting Hamas which is big reason for huge civilian losses and shitty Palestine situation in general?

  14. I would rather have you back as a normal member and watch all your brexiters die the moment their ATM spit Euros instead of pounds.

  15. I’d rather have a razorblade covered dildo shoved up my ass than see turkey join the EU.

  16. Im just waiting for your old folks to bite the dust so you guys come back


  17. I want you back in so it’s easier to clown on Gibraltar if the euro finals situation repeats

  18. Turkey will never join. And uk is welcome back because I want my free eu phone data when I visit the other caliphate London. ☪️

  19. I can’t wait for the ultranationalists to post this on their little circlejerk page: r/turkophobia 😂😂😂

  20. Lmao stop being a toxic ex. It was you who broke up with us and you know very well we want ~~your money~~ you back.

    ETA: no Turkey of course

  21. Erdoganopoulos is a just desperate man who knows he’s losing control over power and will most likely lose next election (if it’s fair), and is trying whatever he can to divert the Turkish attention away from the many domestic problems, and to keep the conservative muslim part of the population mobilized for him.

    I’m not even surprised at this point

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