The River Thames from source -> Kingston -> Central London. Does it become less clear because of the sewage or the riverbed changing?

The River Thames from source -> Kingston -> Central London. Does it become less clear because of the sewage or the riverbed changing?

by flyestaround

  1. I’ve heard a lot of comments that it’s not because of the sewage but because the riverbed of the Thames is silty, but does that mean the bed changes gradually from another material to silt at some point?

  2. Below Teddington lock, the Thames is tidal which means huge volumes of water wash in and out of the river every day. This churns up the silty base of the river leading to a brown tinge.

  3. in addition to the tides, my understanding is that various works throughout history to make the river more navigable have also changed flows in such a way that it’s more turbulent, so sediment has less chance to settle

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