Maybe it was the train beers talking but Liverpool Lime St. station looked cool last night

Maybe it was the train beers talking but Liverpool Lime St. station looked cool last night

by SailorsGraves

  1. Lime Street is one of the best termini from an architectural perspective, particularly since its refurbishment a few years ago. Those great, sweeping roofs are still impressive and make you feel like you’ve arrived somewhere important, which is what a major city terminal should do.

    The roof of the northern trainshed (the one not pictured) was reportedly the largest of its type in the world when it was constructed, too.

  2. Reminds me of a time I took a train from London to Newcastle years ago. There was a huge guy in the carriage, who was dressed in full Teddy Boy gear and who was obviously drunk from the moment of boarding. He was being rude and aggressive to people and spoke in a thick Scandinavian accent. When someone asked him to calm down a bit, he shouted back, “I am Olf and Olf does what he wants!” He went out of the carriage at one point and returned a few minutes later with a couple of cans of beer. He cracked one open and took a deep swig, then spat the mouthful out in disgust, spraying the person sitting in front of him. The guy sitting next to me turned to me and said “Hmm, it seems that rude Olf, the Ted, loathes train beers.”

  3. Was very weird. Big grey clouds but felt like being inside a rainbow.. just you couldn’t see the rainbow.

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