Huw Edwards should return his BBC salary, Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy says

Huw Edwards should return his BBC salary, Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy says

by topotaul

  1. I’ve never heard of MP’s returning their salaries.
    I think we were owed refunds from the likes of Jacqui Smith and Boris Johnson.

  2. He was suspended, not fired.

    Ergo, he absolutely has the right to keep this salary.

    The BBC knew he would get paid it when the suspended him rather than firing him, so go back and ask the BBC, not Huw.

  3. He’s unemployed, and unemployable. If he loses all his money, we’ll be paying for him anyway via benefits.

  4. Eh, I get why Nandy is saying that, but I *really* don’t like the precedent of the government deciding to weigh in on this sort of thing.

    Nobody should ever be publicly pressured to give their salary back, and the government shouldn’t be micromanaging who is deserving of keeping their salary, and who isn’t.

  5. “Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy told Sky News at the Paris Olympics on Friday: “I think he ought to return his salary.”

    Yeah I’m sure he will, paedos are of course famously moral people

  6. Ok well you’re now the government and the highest power in the land. How about you stop virtue signalling and implement some change.

  7. Always good to see the usual suspects in this sub come out in force to defend the interests of the self-admitted nonce.

    Classy. Never change r/unitedkingdom

  8. Wow this thread full out defending a nonce so they can vent their weird irrational hatred for Lisa Nandy

    What a surprise

  9. This is an appeal to the gallery. What would be the legal basis of this? Can she cite examples like politicians returning their salaries?

  10. Not desire to defend any sort of paedophile but have any members of parliament ever returned their salaries when charged for the exact same offences in terms of child porn? I would assume not.

  11. Huw Edwards also shouldn’t have kept communicating with a nonce who was sending him pictures of kids being diddled.

    I don’t think we can really expect that he’ll think of optics and the public good here.

  12. This does seem a bit pointless – when you’re already the newly most-reviled man in the UK, it’s not like handing back some cash is going to get you any forgiveness (and rightfully so, of course).

  13. So should several of the BBCs top soap opera stars, Their sporting commentating “celebrities”, their “top two” chat show hosts and the entire BBC Board of directors.

    But they won’t. Until someone spills the beans cause the hush money from the BBC board ain’t big enough.

  14. Should? It’s a moral matter realistically. If they want to force him to then they can raise a civil case and get a judge to decide. I however doubt that a judge would back her up. It’s an employers responsibility to manage these matters. They didn’t manage it properly and are being made to look bad.

  15. Well, easy win for her to say this, obviously.

    Meanwhile I think Huw probably feels that giving the money back isn’t going to shift public opinion in his favour that much, what with being a paedo and all.

  16. What a fucking lazy pathetic thing to say. No-one gives their money back unless they’re made to. And considering Huw Edwards probably cannot work again it would be illogical for him to volunteer to return the money.

  17. I mean, if we’re talking “should”s… I can think of something he should’ve done more (or, perhaps not-done)

  18. Returning his salary unfortunately isn’t going to cover the disgusting things he did. Sure he could do that but that’s not gonna change what he did.

  19. I’m still so miffed employment law is so shit for so many people across the country and yet comes through for a (probably rich unless he’s terrible at spending) nonce.

    I once worked for a company where everyone was called a “worker” rather than employee in their contracts so when there was a mass layoff no one got redundancy pay despite some people working there nearly a decade.

    Like yeah, he’s not going to give the money back, it’s a stupid thing to say, but he was more protected than a huge portion of the country and I’m fucking annoyed about it.

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