Chinese Divers’ bragging rights

Chinese Divers’ bragging rights

Posted by StrangeButOrderly

  1. I really thought Mexico had the better dive at the end. Really thought they deserved Gold

  2. long daoyi carried by wang zongyuan the whole time; overall fair performance by the duo

  3. How can there be such a difference between the scores of judges on the same dive? 7.5 is a good dive but 9.0 is a an almost perfect dive. (also what does the crossing out of scores mean?)

  4. Two more Olympians for the Funny Olympian name club, we have got German J.Chris and his partner (who name I have forgotten,Sorry.),American Cook and Bacon, plus some other great named Olympians.

  5. “Guard number one is a senior on Klahn’s mountain, and aspires to be a research chemist. Welcome, please, Hung Well! Guard number two is a real skating buff. A warm welcome for Long Wang! Traveling comes naturally to guard number three, as he’s a licensed airplane pilot. Welcome, please, Enormous Genitals!”

  6. Lol I took a screenshot around the exact same time. It didn’t get the rave reviews in the group chat that I was hoping, so I’m glad the folks in this thread are matching my sense of humour.

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