New delivery delay for CalMac ferry Glen Sannox [now September]

New delivery delay for CalMac ferry Glen Sannox [now September]

by abz_eng

  1. >There was no further update on cost estimates, which are now being recalculated.

    so more money

    and 30 September is just before the MV Isle of Islay is due to be delivered in October. It would not surprise me if the Turkish yard now goes into overdrive to bring that date forward, though there might be some political machinations to ensure it doesn’t happen

  2. Oof. Might go for a ride on that thing when it launches just to prove to myself its real.

  3. You know what we should do? Send another 14 million to Ferguson Shipyards without return. God help and safe the British Navy if they are to rely on this shitshow for parts of the new frigates.

  4. Last time they said they might be able to fit the crew familiarisation training around the last bits of work.

    This article says that crew familiarisation will take “several weeks”.

    Handover at end of September, then crew familiarisation, so now looking at mid-October at the earliest for when they might enter service ?

  5. God knows why Ferguson has to enter into a bidding process for future contracts…

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