As a result of the exchange between the United States, Germany, and Russia, Vladimir Putin released murderers, cybercriminals, and spies.

His strategy worked well – he took hostages and negotiated with West. Putin also gave a strong signal to his supporters: you can poison, kill, shoot in Putin's name, and you will still be released.

In the screenshot, Putin is just meeting Krasikov, the FSB officer who killed the Ichkerian independence fighter Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in Germany.

The triumph of international state terrorism looks like this.

by HarakenQQ

  1. Why would any Westerner in his/her right mind visit ruzzia? They are all potential hostages.

  2. Hardly a triumph as the west got double the amount of people. What it does show the lines of communication are still open

  3. Would be a great sight to have six ‘putins’ front row in the Hague soon..

  4. It’s a good deal. Give Russia murderers and get some normal people back.

    Good luck with your sociopaths Russia.

  5. EDIT; As a result… (blah)… The Bodydouble of Vladimir Putin released… (blah)

  6. The scum we’ve returned to Scumland won’t be able to pull the same tricks now we know who they are.

    They are retired from active duty.

  7. Putin is now handing out awards for his minions and assassins. And on top of it, he will send more killers to Europe and will incarcerate more innocent Western idiots that are stupid enough to travel to these terrorist regimes.

  8. Does anyone know how many more foreigners Putin can use in future? 

    Who are likely hostages for next round?

  9. When a government maintains a principle of not negotiating with a state it views as engaging in terrorist activities, such as Russia under President Putin, yet swaps a prisoner guilty of murder for a citizen, several significant drawbacks emerge.
    Most concerning is by agreeing to a prisoner swap with Russia, the government potentially incentivizes future hostage-taking.
    Lessons learned: don’t go to Russia.

  10. All ruzzians sent back during prisoners exchange will be tomorrow on the front lines.

  11. Message goes the other way too.

    The message is: Russia, we know who you are, and are coming for you.

  12. hmm, lets be more precise. putin did not release them, putin prosecuted business people, journalists, artist, activists to get his murderers, spies and cyber criminals. Entirely different thing than this headline suggests.

  13. POW: mom, id like to come home

    Mom: sry hun, we dont negotiate with terrorists, suck it up

  14. Anybody not ending up in Russia by accident should be on their own. Russia is taking advantage of the West being reasonable.

  15. Not the clearest photo but I’d put money on a body double. What an ugly, troll-looking dude.

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