Why do we only get medals in the water? Are we fish?

Why do we only get medals in the water? Are we fish?

by ivory_ghostt

  1. it’s evolution. The Dutch that couldn’t swim, sail, or row and weren’t tall enough to have their heads above water all died.

  2. I mean, you people gotta train already so that you’re ready for 2100 with your country under water (but this time literally)

  3. That happens when your country is ensured to drown in the future and people start practicing for it.

  4. ![gif](giphy|nFupSWHyIp649WzTzX|downsized)

    Unfortunately Caravaning is not yet recognized as an olympic sport

  5. It’s because there aren’t any medals for slopping through swamps, taking ecstasy and having horrendous, passionless sex with your first cousin.


  6. That’s exactly what you’ll be if you don’t take care of certain infrastructures…

  7. It’s good for you since you’ll be the next Atlantis in less than 100 years.

    Evolution is favouring you, Ariel.

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