Acht Inder bei Kämpfen gegen die Ukraine in der russischen Armee getötet

Acht Inder bei Kämpfen gegen die Ukraine in der russischen Armee getötet

Eight Indians killed while fighting against Ukraine in Russian army

  1. But god forbid westerns ask Indian politicians about their siding with Russia over Ukraine

  2. oh well. too bad so sad. I can sympathize with Russian soldiers (not the ones that commit war crime oblivously) in that most people will fight for their country whatever its right or wrong, especially in a dictatorship but for outsiders to side with Russia? yeah good riddance.

  3. Putin didnt lie he got those Indians out of the war zone, he just sent them to the front to die instead of sending them home

  4. ….. and when russia sent you to Ukraine what did you expect to happen? That you would plant flowers and drink?

  5. shameful, given India resisted Britains imperial project, and the Russians are much much worse than the British empire.

  6. Huh where are all the Indian redditors that swore that they weren’t choosing sides and it’s all geo politics that I couldn’t possibly understand……

  7. Modi when he hosted putin requested that Indian nationals in russia be removed from the front lines and returned to India. Didn’t work out so well, huh? Modi is just as much a nationalist as putin. While he said those words to putin , I would love to hear what was a I said behind closed doors.

  8. The comment section is going crazy. The article clearly states that those Indians were deceived and lured by human trafficking agencies into the war by the promise of regular job opportunities.

    I guess everybody just reads titles and draw conclusions nowadays.

  9. Funny how most people here aren’t capable of seperating a bunch of hired mercs from an entire country.

    Does American, French, Ukrainian mercs working in Wagner mean those governments are involved.

    But I guess any excuse is good enough to bash an entire country as long as it’s not a white one.

  10. not taking a side but a lot of them were offered army jobs for airports and other such places not for war. most of the villagers and below the poverty line people just opt for lucrative foreign jobs without even caring a bit. people in such areas don’t even know about the war of russia-ukraine and that is how much disconnected they are
    and yeah, just like whole world, human trafficking does exists in India as well!

  11. As a Canadian whose country is filled with Indians that claim to be tricked by recruiting agents through college recruitment scams, it’s not a surprise to see them falling for Russian job recruitment scams and then forcing them to fight. The surprising part is that, for a cure of scammers, they’re sure damn gullible.

  12. And nothing of value was lost. Probably their previous jobs were at a scam call center.

  13. I thought putin told modi that he was sending all Indians back home. I guess it’s on modi for assuming that alive was strongly implied in his request.

  14. Always a good idea to sell your soul to the devil, before you’re about to die. I’m not religious but in case there is a hell, I don’t envy those guys.

  15. “Press ganged” we have a term for this forced conscription by non state actors you dumbass journalists, use it.

  16. Who we kidding, this unfortunate result will just result in more hugs from Modi.

  17. Again, unless these Indian citizens were literally forcibly taken and sent to fight In Ukraine, I don’t feel sorry for them. Sure alot of them were lied to about getting non combat roles but you have to be a complete moron to believe that shit with how heavy Russian losses are. 

  18. I know it’s dirty, but Ukraine needs to try and dominate Indian social media with pictures of these guys with the message of “look at these dudes who got suckered by Putin. So lame they got duped like this, can’t believe India got owned by Putin this hard.”

    Attack India’s pride, rile them up, make them feel inferior and stupid. Don’t paint it as just “sad.”

  19. “ Eight Indian nationals died while serving in the Russian Army, and 63 Indians requested early discharge from their military service, according to The Hindustan Times.

    Many Indian nationals were deceived by job scams, promised employment in Russia but forced into military service against Ukraine. This exploitation is part of Russia’s broader strategy to augment its military ranks while avoiding domestic backlash and conscription resistance.

    Most of the Indians recruited were employed as support staff, such as cooks and helpers, but were deployed to the war front with their units. The exact number of Indian nationals recruited into Russia’s armed forces remains unknown, according to The Hindustan Times.

    The Hindustan Times reports that 12 Indian nationals have already left the Russian armed forces, while another 63 are seeking early discharge.

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed this matter during his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow last month. The Indian side secured a promise for the swift repatriation of these individuals.”

  20. >Most of the Indians recruited were employed as support staff, such as cooks and helpers, but were deployed to the war front with their units.

    They were happy to help russia in their war they just didn’t want to do the dying part.
    Am is supposed to feel bad for these people? Cry me a fucking river.

  21. Oh the country filled with r*pists and a culture that does nothing to counteract its primal oligarchy and women hating sided with the communist wannabe ussr reboot? What a surprise!

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