A Russian soldier filmed the moment a submunition of a cluster projectile hit his face

A Russian soldier filmed the moment a submunition of a cluster projectile hit his face

by SpookyKiddo2

  1. Woww…dude got lucky as hell. A couple inches north and he wouldn’t be standing there anymore.

  2. Are there more videos of Russians filming themselves getting hit? I remember a video of a Russian female warblogger who got hit by shrapnel

  3. Why were they filming, and why did he seem to be expecting it? – could it have been an air-pistol shot, because such a localised hit just seems so unlikely?

  4. It looks like he braised himself to endure an impact and film it. How careless can you be?

  5. Something odd about this video. It is like he is waiting to be hit by something and knows it is coming and when, hence the odd look on his face and lack of reaction afterwards. Not convinced this is shrapnel from a cluster munition at all. Maybe some sort of dare or punishment.

  6. He got two holes. Little lower on the back one and maybe he woulda gone nap nap.

  7. Pos torture animals- hopefully the next one hits him in the nads. Sick ass sociopathic savages aka Russians ( not all- maybe like .000001% are not straight up twats

  8. If it was in an important vein he would be dead, that’s why during a bombing you need to throw yourself to the ground and protect your neck and head

  9. I can understand that reaction. When a thing hits you so fast and exits you again, you do not even notice it first. Takes the brain a lot time to even process that, especially when the projectile destroys the nerves that actually feel that faster than they can give signal.

    I heard more than one Soldier say that they did not notice getting hurt… only after others told them that they bleed.

  10. would be interesting to know if it knocked his teeth or tooth out out too? anyway too bad it didnt hit his neck.

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