The Kremlin has purged all most all militairy figures around Shoigu, an article that sums up all figures

The Kremlin has purged all most all militairy figures around Shoigu, an article that sums up all figures

by SLAVAUA2022

  1. Tatyana Shevtsova is alive and free (ish)…

    But then she was the one who defected to France.

  2. What a shit-show of a country. The Kremlin and its military are gradually imploding. It’s like watching a giant dying in slow motion from a thousand cuts, which are being administered by Ukraine, and increasingly by Russia itself. The free world just needs to ensure that Ukraine is given time and equipment to finish the job.

  3. It’s pretty normal in situations like that. In authoritarian governments, you must rid of keys that do not strictly line to that of your own. It’s quite critical. Doesn’t necessarily mean killing but Suddam did it to such an extent it makes putin look like child play

    CPG grey has a great video explaining it if you are curious.

    If Putin did not do these purges he would’ve been thrown out long ago.

    Btw not saying Putin doesn’t kill many of his keys. Suddam was just incredibly infamous for it. He killed even family on even slight suspicion

  4. Tragic that Ukraine has to give so many lives because of it. Russia should never be forgiven. The goal
    Of the world should be dismantling Russia. They need to face consequences.

  5. When can we have the news that Shoigu has conveniently fallen from a window even if it’s just on the 3rd floor?

  6. Praise the Purge!!

    May it go all the way to the Top!


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