Senior Weird

Senior Weird

Posted by OutrageousDiscount31

  1. Nah. Fred Trump would pile on and call Donny weird too. It’s been documented that he would chastise his kid in public settings in front of others telling Donny to STFU.

    Donny’s mom was no better. Accounts state that she was cold towards her children.

    All in all, a truly fucked up family that continues to this day.


    The height of the Bund’s activities was a February 20, 1939 rally at New York City’s Madison Square Garden. It drew some 20,000 Bund members and Nazi supporters. One German American who did not hide his far-right views was Fred Trump, Sr., the father of Donald Trump. On May 31, 1927, Fred Trump was arrested by police while participating in a Ku Klux Klan march in his home borough of Queens in New York.

  3. The only thing little about trump are his hands and his mushroom (ALLEGEDLY).

  4. Just try and tell me that’s not a human mask stretched over a big ol’ alien head.

  5. Is this why he likes Hannibal Lecter? That man is definitely wearing someone else’s face?

  6. I’ve seen Deep Space Nine.

    That’s a Cardassian who’s had budget plastic surgery to appear human.

  7. So conspiracy theorists claim that every powerful person on Earth is secretly a lizard but conveniently ignore a guy who looks like a lizard had a rough night and hastily put on a human disguise in the morning?

  8. *Fuck me*…now it’s all starting to make sense…no wonder his son is so fuckin’ weird.

  9. This is as terrifying as the one of his mom where she looks like she just got done using the hard R on her housekeeper.

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