He identifies as Orange

He identifies as Orange

Posted by HugoPeabody

  1. Skincare tip: use a toilet (seat down), six pouches of orange kool-Aid, and a cherry bomb. 

  2. Increasingly the texture as well as the color of an orange, I’ve noticed

  3. Can you imagine the crazy immigrants being released from jails and mental institutions coming to take over those “orange” jobs! We have to do something about it! Or else all con-men/felon/rapists will be composed of crazy immigrants instead of the old orange men we are so comfortable with.

  4. I fully expected to see Gump at the bus stop saying “And just like that, she turned Black”. I would do it but I’m not talented.

  5. As a nurse I can tell you it’s not uncommon for our pigment to change when we get older. But as a nurse I can also tell you, unless you’re taking a specific drug or medication that causes this as a side effect, it is very uncommon to turn orange. The fact he thinks the whole world doesn’t know that he wears makeup is just hysterical.

  6. I know this is a joke, but as I’m banned from the conspiracy sub for saying something anti-Trump, I’m gonna share my conspiracy with you all here so enjoy:

    Trump’s color is from tanning, and because of issues with his hair, he wears some hair cover as well as the little goggles for his eyes… very possibly a spray on tan, as I don’t see him being able to sit still for the entire length of a normal tan and because of the color, but that explains the mask like effect… not a new theory, but my favorite because I picture him wearing a full suit and a shower cap with pink goggles as he tans just his face

  7. This is their guy lol. A dude who paints just his face orange. Like a literal demented clown.

    Has any journalist or anyone never asked him why he does this? Lol

  8. It looks like he always dips his face in a cesspool each morning saying „not the hair“.

  9. He was never an attractive man, but that’s understandable after seeing what his parents looked like.

  10. He was white. Turned into an orange Cheeto, making him a Wheeto. I need to see a Birth Certificate on this Geriatric Criminal Wheeto.

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