Clinical Psychologist Explains The Power Of Calling Republicans ‘Weird’: ‘With Trump it means not allowing him to define the discussion or make the rules.’

Clinical Psychologist Explains The Power Of Calling Republicans ‘Weird’: ‘With Trump it means not allowing him to define the discussion or make the rules.’

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article]( 📰:

    – Democratic leaders began calling Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), “weird” for some of their political ideas and comments they’ve made about women and people of color. One clinical psychologist explained that the word has a lot more impact than one would think.

    Dr. Carl Hindy, Ph.D., HSP posted in a thread on X that the power of using phrases like “that’s weird” or “that’s just weird” is that it conveys, “That’s just not worth of discussion.”

    “Therein is the magic,” said Hindy. “With Trump it means not allowing him to define the discussion or make the rules. It stops the Dems from chasing him down his rabbit hole. That seems to infuriate Trump, who’s now escalating to pull them back into arguments and to continue to define the game.”

    Hindy thinks that it ultimately has a greater impact on the person who says it, by allowing that person “to dismiss the matter more easily.”

    He wondered where it leads from there.

    “It seems like it would be a useful CBT/type intervention for ourselves at times,” he said, referencing cognitive behavior therapy. “In other aspects of our lives: a self-cueing to ‘just let it go by.’”

    Rhetoric expert and professor Jennifer Mercieca referred to the Friday morning Axios report that purported to reveal the real reason Trump delayed walking out on stage at the National Association of Black Journalists. According to the piece, Trump was furious that he would be fact-checked in real-time.

    Mercieca explained that Trump wants to have the definitive word on everything.

    “Remember when I explained that, like all authoritarians, Trump is ‘cognitively irresponsible,’” she posted on Friday. “He never wants to be questioned or have to give good information. He would rather ‘because I said so’ be the end of any conversation.”

    So, as Hindy explained, shutting Trump down with “that’s weird” eliminates his power to end the conversation on his terms.

  2. I mean, it feels nice to just finally be able to say it out loud doesn’t it? We have spent a decade in fucking bizzaro world. I’m just done pretending like any of this is OK or normal. I am sick to death of hearing about this weirdo and I’m definitely not following him over the cliff into fascism.

    If anything, it’s just giving people permission to actually say what they are thinking.

    Trump allowed the right to be loudly bigoted, so now the left is being allowed to be loudly and uncompromisingly critical. Bullies absolutely hate being brought to task for bad behavior, because ultimately, it’s indefensible.

  3. If it’s pissing them off, it’s valid and it works. He’s been throwing poo like a chimp for nearly 10 years. It’s fine if normal, non-weird people start throwing it back.

  4. He doesn’t follow any rules including his own. He also doesn’t follow the law.

  5. Good lord, what a horrible pic of Trump. Some could even say he looks weirder than ever in that picture.

  6. It’s great how they are trying to turn it around and do the same thing, and all it looks like is some whiney elementary school kids yelling/crying, “I know you are but what am I.” 🤣 I’m loving it.

  7. Yep, he’s a fucking weirdo and all of his sycophants and boot licking cult moron followers are even weirder

  8. I feel like there’s a small handful of people who spend way too much time online that have convinced themselves that this “Trump is weird” thing is something to anyone outside their bubble.

  9. I hate it. “Weird” softens his real personality which is more accurately a narcissistic fascist. I’ve known weird people, they werent narcissistic fascists.

  10. Weirdo doesn’t feel like much of an insult,

    Considering the foul shit that oozes from Traitor Trash Trump’s Trap

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