Police station set on fire in Sunderland as UK unrest rolls on | UK news

Police station set on fire in Sunderland as UK unrest rolls on | UK news


by D-Hex

  1. I wouldn’t worry… It’s not someone protesting climate. They won’t get 5 years for arson / or causing bodily harm to police officers. A slap on the wrist for them…. If that

  2. Maybe, at some point soon, Britain will remember that, traditionally, *not liking fascists* is one of those “British Values” these clowns are always on about.

  3. The only thing the rest of us can realistically do right now if not in our towns/cities is to actively call out any of the racism and fascism we hear.

  4. About time we brought the army in and dealt with them firmly.

    I’d also advocate removing any benefits permanently.

  5. They really need to make these kind of far right race riots into a specific offense with harsher sentencing guidelines than normal public order offenses.

  6. These are the type of people who would complain about the BLM protests and how they “burned their cities to the ground”

  7. These ‘concerned citizens’ are merely conveying their message via smoke signal. It’s all quite innocent.

  8. Is anyone really surprised when the government has said the prisons are full? There’s no consequence for this shit

  9. ‘I’m so concerned about children’s safety I set the police station on fire’ – make it make sense…

  10. They need to lock these knuckle dragging thugs up.

    Forgot prison overcrowding, put the neckless cavemen 6 to a cell and they can sleep on the floor in dog beds seeing as they like behaving like animals.

    Or we could just drop them all on some uninhabited island and they can all live in their perfect single race society, wallowing in their own filth. No need to worry about them escaping, they are all afraid of boats.

  11. Nigel Farage has been an MP for about 15 minutes and the UK has already descended into a fascist dystopia

  12. It’s not actually a police station anymore, and hasn’t been for a while.

    The building that’s on fire (next to the old police station) is actually a Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

    They’ve actually burned out a much needed resource.

  13. Do we not have those watercanons anymore? That’d sort a lot of these dopey cunts out.

  14. Chuck out all of those in prison for light drug offences from use to small time dealing. Decriminalise the use of the ones that have already been shown by multiple scientific papers to be no worse / better than cigs / alcohol.

    Then come down hard on these rioting morons. Lock em up and get it done in a reasonably short window of time. Make an example out of people making communities across the country worse with violence and hate.

  15. Bored losers with nothing better to do. Maybe they should have a look at free things to do in their town/city instead of rioting because they’re poor and bored.

  16. Just professional rioters and all round scumbags using tragedy as an excuse. It’s been well reported that those rioting are not local and from across the UK.

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