We are a little bit Frenchy today

We are a little bit Frenchy today

by Illustrious_Use_6008

  1. You burn Renault AND mobilize ?! Well played mates full support from your south 😉

  2. That is not a riot! Where are the petrol bombs? Blood amateurs…come to Belfast we will teach you a thing or two

  3. Were are the people on this sub who didnt think the UK were going to have race wars now?

  4. At least the French riot for decent reasons, these plonkers are mad they don’t have an excuse to be racist cockwombles

  5. Was watching it live earlier. Now some drunk woman has just pushed two big bins at the police about 1mph and they took them both away…

    Real let down so far. Although they did set a police station on fire so it’s not all an anti climax.

  6. anyone watched the interviews with these people? Im yet to see one where the person gives a solid argument for why theyre protesting, like how is flipping a car gonna do anything for these dead children that some claim theyre protesting for?

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