Far-right riots erupt in Sunderland as car torched and mosque surrounded – latest

Far-right riots erupt in Sunderland as car torched and mosque surrounded – latest


by Dry-Frosting1779

  1. Can we bring a bunch of England flags to the next sane protest and start the process of reclaiming it from fuckheads?

  2. If you get 5 years for a non violent climate protest, I wonder what setting fire to a police station is worth?

  3. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea for the police to retreat in Leeds and send the signal to angry mobs that they can riot on the streets with little resistance.

  4. I don’t agree with the Rwanda plan, but wouldn’t it be poetic if anyone convicted of this type of cuntyness got exiled to Rwanda for a few years.

  5. Most of these are the type of cunts who run puppy farms for XL Bullys and torture wildlife with sling shots and send kids put dealing on electric bikes.

    Thwze arent politcally knowledgeable people with a hood understanding of things and genuine grieviences. They are just scum. They were scum a month ago and they are scum today.

  6. 100 quid for anyone who can explain what the fuck this has to do with three dead kids

    Or what it’s supposed to achieve

  7. Does anyone else hear Dirty Monkey Makems play in their head when they see news like this. Hartlepool I understand, the racist pricks hung a monkey thinking it was a French spy. But the Red and White striped suburb of Newcastle having Far(age) Right Riots seems a bit off. It’s like Somme external force is railing against the new Labour Government through those disenfranchised and impoverished by 14 years of cuntservilism.

  8. Generation of radicalised young men. Britain’s got a big problem on its hands. Crossed with red-pill/incels it’s a recipe for significant social change – almost an anti-swinging 60s decade of patriarchy trying to reassert itself.

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