[OC] Perfect Day For Solar

11 Silfab 420W solar panels, house oriented E-W so the peak of the roof never shades the panels from the sun.

Posted by JediExile

  1. If you export more electricity than you import, does that mean you get paid by the electric company?

  2. I’m very curious about this. The panels look to be inexpensive, like $200/ea. So you have $2200-ish in the panels.

    What other supporting equipment do you need to make a system like this work? And what was the cost?

    If I look at commercially installed systems of equivalent capability, it’s $30k+!

  3. what was the cost of installation?

    what is the monthly cost?

    I really want solar to liberate or at least reduce dependency on utility companies, but every solar installer seems to be underhanded borderline illegal sales practices

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