Okay, we are being way too Frenchy. Two police stations on fire in Sunderland

Okay, we are being way too Frenchy. Two police stations on fire in Sunderland

by Illustrious_Use_6008

  1. Who’s angry here? Is it people mad at immigrants or immigrants mad at Brits? By the looks of that fella he looks like an authentic Barry from the back so I’m assuming this is something about the mass stabbing?

    Are the people who got their kids taken by social services still rioting?

  2. WTF, that looks like a low-level civil war lately. And why does the police not descend on those riots with like 200 officers?

  3. Not gonna lie, I preferred the brick into the balls video.

    You Barries started off well, but now the humour is lacking and you won’t beat the French at riots without your own take at it.

    More ball busting, less TikToking if you want to stand any chance at all against the French.

  4. Are those riots because of safety concerns? Because burning down police stations is not helping to improve any. 🤐

  5. ELI5 on why Barry and Mohabarry are so angry, bcos I see the news but I don’t get the point.

  6. It’s not even a fucking police station. The building burning in the video is a citizens advice bureau. The other building was a former police station, but was renovated into office space. These people are cretins.

  7. The same people in 1 year : “Why is everyone divesting from our community?” *shocked Pikachu face*

  8. Barry beating Pierre at being Pierre. What is this sorcery?

    This is how it starts, next thing you know our national dish will be frogs legs and we will all be eating croissants for breakfast.

  9. Problem is we’re not having fun protests like Pierre has after being asked to work more than 30 minutes a day, these are racists being racist.

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