Exklusiv: US-Geheimdienst vermutet, dass das russische Militär die Houthis im Jemen berät

Exklusiv: US-Geheimdienst vermutet, dass das russische Militär die Houthis im Jemen berät


  1. No surprise cause they are similar when comes to committing crimes against humanity, dictatorship, supporter of anti-gay and anti-lgbt rights, allied with another autocratic country called Iran and many more.

  2. Russian advisors? Heh. Remember, do the opposite of anything they tell you. You probably still won’t win, but you’ll lessen your losses.

  3. And hamas. And hazbollah. And al qaeda for certain.

    Dragging that thread slightly into conspiratorial extent I’ve always suspected 9 11 wasn’t an isolated incident either. Stinks of russian attitude

  4. In other news U.S. intelligence has uncovered that Russia does have nuclear weapons, more at 6.

  5. Russia has always been Israel’s greatest enemy. Since the days of the USSR, they armed, trained, advised and funded all of Israel’s enemies and provided them with diplomatic support at the UN.

  6. Russia is also begging North Korea for weapons to use in Ukraine.

    Pathetic, pariah country being deservedly crippled economically by sanctions.

  7. What? Telling them to put their head between their legs and kiss their ass goodbye?

  8. But.. the Houthi had some success. Logically, it follows that the Russians can’t be involved.

  9. USCENTCOM should start dropping bombs on their heads before the idiots in congress gets around to banning it.

  10. I want to mention that what Russia is doing now is fulfilling long-stated goals to regain power and erode power in the West.

    There was a book written in the ’90s called Foundation of Geopolitics. This book was a key book for Russian leaders (political, military, etc.). The focus on the book is how to destabilize the Western world to regain power for Russia.

    If you look at the key points in the book, one of the things that was spelled out as a goal to increase their global power is to create a Russian Islamic alliance.

    Another thing that they want to do is to cause discord in the US by having the US tear itself apart to create political instability in the US.

    If you look at what that book states should be the goals of Russia, you can almost see it as a checklist. For example, one of the things that they wanted to do was get the UK to pull out of the EU. They were one of the major sources of disinformation during Brexit.

    They’re currently on the point of the list of creating their Russian Islamic alliance.



  11. I’m not the knower of all things – but it seems like if Russia was given direct US intel from drumpf, then yeah.. their economy is shitting from most directions (not all), and this mutual kinship to our enemies would help “earn” some form of currency. A lot of them were given stuff, but Pooty most likely has the good goods.

  12. Zero surprise. It’s not a secret that Iran modeled their strike package back in April after the one Russia used in Ukraine.

  13. Boggles the mind that my country, Israel, is still not treating Russia as a full blown enemy state.

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