Britain’s nuclear submarine software contract handed to Belarusian engineers

Britain’s nuclear submarine software contract handed to Belarusian engineers

by kudincha

  1. >Britain’s nuclear submarine engineers use software that was designed in Russia and Belarus, in contravention of Ministry of Defence rules, The Telegraph can reveal.

    >The software should have been created by UK-based staff with security clearance, but its design was partially outsourced to developers in Siberia and Minsk, the capital of Belarus.

    >There are fears that the code built by the Russian and Belarussian developers could be exploited to reveal the location of Britain’s submarines.

    >The Telegraph understands that the MoD considered the security breach a serious threat to UK defence and launched an investigation.

    >The inquiry discovered that the firm that outsourced the work – on a staff intranet for nuclear submarine engineers – to Russia and Belarus initially kept it secret and discussed whether it could disguise where the workers were based by giving them fake names of dead British people.

    >As well as the UK’s submarine fleet, there are fears that further defence capabilities could have been compromised because it has emerged that a previous project was also outsourced to developers in Minsk.

    >Rolls-Royce Submarines, which designs and runs the UK’s nuclear submarine fleet on behalf of the Royal Navy, wanted to upgrade its staff intranet and had subcontracted the work to WM Reply, a digital consultancy firm.

    >WM Reply then used developers based in Belarus – Russia’s closest ally – one of whom was actually working from home in Tomsk, Siberia, according to documents submitted to the MoD’s inquiry.

    That firm, as well as the individuals responsible, should be blacklisted from government work. That they’d even consider covering it up is despicable.

  2. > The inquiry discovered that the firm that outsourced the work – on a staff intranet for nuclear submarine engineers – to Russia and Belarus initially kept it secret and discussed whether it could disguise where the workers were based by giving them fake names of dead British people.

    That sounds an awful lot like something that ought to lead to a very long time in prison for everyone who knew.

  3. What could possibly go wrong with having a nation we’re in a hostile proxy war with writing software for our strategic assets.

  4. Utter incompetence really- and probably only the tip of the iceberg, not just for MOD but whole government as well

  5. Next thing you know they had a hidden code that only aims missiles towards the UK lol.

  6. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they got their missile guidance software on Fiverr.

  7. Crikey, I worked in that industry 15 years ago and this seems insane to me. When I think back on the sheet level of security involved, the briefings we had about Russia, and how seriously they talked about the official secrets act it seems incredible to me that someone would try this.

  8. I used a russian software once. It was an Ethereum/(or other Eth based coin) miner app. Worked well, right up until Russian invasion on Ukraine. When Russia found out that the West is sending weapons to help Ukraine. My miner stopped working. It never mined anything any more. I had to use a less effective massage net to continue.

  9. This is absolutely mental. Why is nuclear weapon systems anywhere near acceptable to outsource to consultancy firms?

  10. I read through the entire article and couldn’t see anything about arrests as a result.

    Surely leaking state nuclear information to a hostile nation should be considered treasonous? 

    Edit to add: Just had a google of the company WM Reply who did this and they look to still be going and are now working with British Gas. That’s not concerning at all…

  11. I’m sorry, but I can’t help but burst out laughing. This is so ridiculously clownish from all angles that it’s absolutely absurd.

  12. So the Telegraph quote Ben Wallace (former Tory Defence Secretary) and the current Tory Shadow Defence Secretary, but not the actual current (Labour) Defence Secretary. I wonder why that could be?…

    And buried way down in the article, intentionally:

    > **It was only in the spring of 2021**, when concerns were reported directly to Rolls-Royce, that an investigation was launched. The matter was subsequently brought to the MoD in the summer of 2022, triggering a further investigation which concluded in February last year.

    tl;dr: this happened under the Tories, who have strong links to the Russian regime. If they were an honest paper, they would’ve said when this breach happened in the lede or headline.

  13. This has better be an intelligence sting joke piece?

    Not beyond the scope of Telegraph courtship.

    The fact that this is being publicised once a new party is in government suggests this was a bonafide, gagged, fuck-up of Philby-esque proportions.

    It reads like a fucking YouTuber investigation.

    Which, again, makes me wonder….

  14. It’s incredible that Labour could have done so much damage in only a few weeks.


  15. Surely this is treason. Everyone involved who knew should be charged with treason and locked away permanently

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