A Russian woman from Surgut has admitted to repeatedly beating a Ukrainian girl she ‘adopted’. “I have been beating her throughout the war and will continue to do so,” she says in a video obtained by Ukrainian public human rights organization ZMINA.

A Russian woman from Surgut has admitted to repeatedly beating a Ukrainian girl she ‘adopted’. “I have been beating her throughout the war and will continue to do so,” she says in a video obtained by Ukrainian public human rights organization ZMINA.

by rulepanic

  1. This woman will not be safe from Ukrainian operatives and sympathizers already wreaking havoc on the daily.

  2. I vote we change “Never again” to “ok just one more , then when the russians are gone, never again”

  3. Kidnapping children and putting them in the hands of abusive adults is incredibly evil. Objectively evil.

  4. Remember this anytime someone claims there are good Russians and that we should feel sorry for the Russians that die in this war, that “they had no choice.”

    The world will be a better place with fewer of these vermin.

  5. Why even spend for food and clothing to adopt if you’re just gonna treat them like shit?

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