8 months of war. January 1 to August 1, 2024

8 months of war. January 1 to August 1, 2024

by TerranXL

  1. At the same time russians call that every minute three Ukrainians die. This is like 5million people. And still, we see only a little progress on the map for the “second world power army”.

  2. Even though it’s small, it’s not good. The recent comments by Zelensky that they can’t even equip their brigades and that’s why they can’t rotate effectively outrages me so much. How is that even possible, equipping soldiers is not an escalation, they should get everything they need and then some. The west is rich enough to equip every single Ukrainian soldier with good kit and good weapons, this should not be happening but the fact that they have to beg for donations all the time shows that it does. For over two years.

  3. ruzzia spending a thousand soldiers and dozens of vehicles a day for *that*.

    While it sucks to lose some land, it’s part of the Ukrainian strategy of making any gains very, very costly for ruzzia.

    Ukraine should also be given a lot of credit for stopping the Kharkiv offensive cold, while roughly maintaining the rest of the front lines.

  4. Reminds me of studying the Western Front in the first world war – the drones have not turned out to be today’s equivalent of the WWI tanks, so I really wonder what’s going to be the invention that tips it?

  5. The whole media out here eating the Russian misinformation screaming how it’s so over for Ukraine.

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