Reinforcements Accelerate Frontline, Can This Be Stopped? Frontline Reality: Ukraine Map/News Update

Reinforcements Accelerate Frontline, Can This Be Stopped? Frontline Reality: Ukraine Map/News Update

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. what are you talking about ?????? Soviet doctrine ??????? Willy , this is not Soviet Union , this is Russia !!!!!!!! there is nothing to do with Soviet union ….. and that is why your proxies and whole NATO and WEST are losing this war …. cause you don't have even intelligence to differentiate SOVIET and RUSSIAN ….. you are a joke 🤣

  2. This is mostly to my fellow Europeans.
    I have noticed that over the last few weeks, that I see a lot more Guys talking a Slavik language (Russian, Ukrianien)
    I know there have been changes for the consribtion law so it is younger people who can get conscribted , but from what i can see it is mostly men in the 30-50 i see.

    there is also a lot younger, but i am wandering if it is the same in youre areas?

    Denmark here.

  3. this is beginning of the end of EU and NATO with EU and US standing with the most corrupted country in the world that is not member in any of this institutions against their own member states ……. a pure clown world 😂😂😂😂😂

  4. The guys that defended Prohres was territorial brigade, not the best and the result shown. Most Ukrainian elite units are diverted to the north to lodge Russian out of Kharkiv area, but due to these there are holes all over the frontline which the Russian use to their advantage. As for Zaporizhzhia area, many agree that Russian incremental gain there are mainly used to tie Ukrainian troops from moving to other directions. Some suggest that Russian plan for Zaporizhzhia is to breakthrough Vuhledar from the east which will increase the chance of the whole southern front collapsing in Russian favor. As for superiority there are rumors that Russia is actually have numbers advantage now, and it shows! Some say there are as many 300k Ukrainian troops vs 500k Russian, but this is still rumors. I blame Syrskyi with his 2 time epic fail move to take krynky that result nothing more than losses for the Ukrainian. It was better when Zaluzhnyi was in charge!

  5. Ukraine being " law and rule of law"? I guess, if martial law, dictatorship, no opposition parties, no elections, a kill list and no free press is your law and order.

  6. Willy, being a nutritional war, what are your thoughts on why Russia hasn’t utilised Moldova to try cut Ukraine off from the black sea, or Ukraine off from western Europe with the help of launching from Belarus as well?

  7. Gonzalo Lira died under suspicious circumstances in a Ukrainian prison. Although he was an American citizen, the US government did nothing to free him.

  8. Negotiations weren’t made because Ukraine and Zelinski are CIA sock puppets. We in the west are fighting to the last Ukrainian to try and hurt Russia on their own doorstep. What we have done is one of the most evil things I can imagine.

  9. Could you please speak more slowly?
    I really appreciate your videos.
    They made me understand much about what's going on.
    I am not a native English speaker though.
    The way you talk, is sometimes uncomprehensible for me.
    I find myself turning on the subtitles, and going back and forth to understand what you are saying.
    Just my two cents.
    Keep up the great work 👍

  10. Of cource, of cource….huge loses with total superiority at air, artillery and mechanisation….Willy, where is you red nose and wig?

  11. Willy, tell people directly that be it F-35, it’s can not do any impact in this war! Russia is not Iraq, Libya or Afghanistan where don’t have air defense capabilities. You guys know this and pretend that you don’t know.😂😂😂

  12. You're showing the graphs of change in oblast occupation that is based on 0.04% change… the graphics look bad, yes, but the changing scale (up to 0.06% per full graph axis) is misleading. You need to explain this if you show it.

  13. 16:20 According to number of pro-Russian channels that citrate complaints from the frontline on the Russian side, on many frontline directions Ukraine has the advantage of FPV short-range drones. Yesterday there was a report about Ukraine using these drones 20-25km deep in as well. However, it is true Russia is in advantage of everything else you mentioned. Charts comparing land change between phase one (maneuverable warfare) and phase 2 (attrition warfare) provides a bit misleading image.

  14. THETI Mapping Willy. Check him out. I think his vids may help provide additional map context. I like how he calls out what regiments are where and uses geolocation to help confirm. Also seems quite a factual channel with little spin. Just here are the facts of the map.

  15. Having NVGs, Thermals and good quality armor available for all the guys on the front is not only ground troops dreams, but also wet dreams of the Ukrainian officials, as they are the best way of making a lot of money off. But seriously, all this equipment is nice, but it requires some training and practice to be utilised correctly and for soldiers to take care and maintain this equipment as it should be. I doubt that any army in the world, not even USA or China would be able to provide this level of equipment and needed training for all the frontal troops in a large scale warfare that would involve a constant rotation of troops, their replacement and sophisticated logistical issues. having that for specific operations is a must, but for holding positions under the constant enemy bombardment a trusty shovel and steady supply lines is much more valuable.

  16. I am sick and tired of propangadistc teories about huge-mindles Soviet losses. Soviets lost 8 million soldiers and 19 million civillians. Germans lost 6.5 million soldiers on eastern front. Stop counting Soviet civillians in to Soviet military losses.

  17. The comments are 'good' today so my general comment is as follows. One, Russia does not deliberately incur casualties, it has excessive losses because of it's top down command structure, the Russian attitude and a general lack of suitable training. These negative influences have been moderated to some extent by the make do skills of those at the sharp end and the sheer amount of firepower and equipment that they possess

    Two, Ukraine has suffered reverses mainly due to insufficient and quality support from NATO. It's initial stoppage of the Russian attack, which was supposed to be a fait accompli, demonstrated that they were worthy of the best possible support. Claims that they are not are simply either excusive or enemy motivated. Three, Biden has shown that his organisation is incapable of ascertaining what is needed by Ukraine, has demonstrated a lack of the will to win and a absence of that characteristic 'can do' attitude that the US used to have and which worked so well for them.

  18. symbolic attacks are just dumb when all other indicators are showing your losing all but slowly…its the equivalent of kicking your opponent in the nuts, then expecting him to forget about it when he's got you beaten and on the ground pleading for mercy…its basically the V2 rocket program all over again…

  19. Ukraine has "spent" it's motivated volunteers and it now has a conscripted army that has far less interest in the fight and less belief in the war in general.. Conversely, Russian support has been strong at home and is growing.. One only needs to look at the Vietnam war to understand the implications.

  20. If by some crazy move russia ever did go back to 1991 borders Putin would be overthrown the next day. No way the Russian people would accept that, nor should they.

  21. How many interviews with soldiers on the frontline saying how poorly accurate the Russian artillery is before it’s understood artillery 1 for 1 doesn’t match up when taking into consideration the numbers on each side.

  22. Hungary & Slovakia supplies Ukraine with most of its electricity, so they are only harming themselves when they block oil transit through Ukraine.

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