Pentagon teilt Israel mit, dass es zusätzliche Kampfflugzeuge und Kriegsschiffe in den Nahen Osten entsenden wird

Pentagon teilt Israel mit, dass es zusätzliche Kampfflugzeuge und Kriegsschiffe in den Nahen Osten entsenden wird

  1. I hope they send the full navy and just do sick drone shots

    Also doing that move where they drop the anchor and make a huge wave to stop the aircraft carrier, it’s about sending a message after all

  2. The US needs to prepare for a full-scale war with Iran, just in case.

    Israel can’t fight Iran alone due to the manpower imbalance – Iran has ten times the population.

  3. Tired of the US playing police man all over the country. Spend the money you are spending overseas on your people who are struggling to buy groceries and gas and can barely keep a roof over their head.

  4. Israel needs to fuck off and deal with it themselves. Lousy genocidal “allies” man 

  5. Here comes mommy to wipe Israel’s ass again. So sick of this dysfunctional relationship.

  6. I’m so glad I’m out and news like this can’t directly affect my day to day life

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