Trump using race based attacks

Trump using race based attacks

Posted by walks_with_penis_out

  1. After they sink into the bushes, they *still* vote Republican because they have no backbone. If they did, they wouldn’t be Republicans in the first place.

  2. A moderate republican is one who waited on the mall and didn’t enter the capitol.

  3. If anyone considers themselves a “moderate republican” it’s just an indictment that they have not paid ANY attention to politics AT ALL they have not had a moderate candidate to vote for since McCain. I would have actually been kind of okay with McCain presidency, now the GOP considers him a RINO/traitor. The GOP is not a political party anymore, for several years now it has been a radical insurgency, and they’re planning a judicial coup this Winter.

  4. Moderate republicans are a myth. The actual moderates left the party long ago, and would have been Biden voters in the last election.

    The only people left on the right are outright fucking lunatics and weirdos.

  5. ![gif](giphy|Vi4MRwWi9sYpi|downsized)

    Moderate republicans when a brown woman speaks.

  6. There aren’t any moderate republicans any more. You vote for Trump, you’re maga.

    You don’t get a pass because you didn’t buy a hat.

  7. Moderate Republicans have no party. They are cancelled by the right, but don’t have the balls to ally with the left.

  8. He’s quickly losing suburban independents; especially mothers with his racist attacks. Let him cook.

  9. If you are ok with bigotry as a side effect of your political ideals, you’re a bigot.

  10. Let’s see how following the Vichy playbook from France works out for those guys…

  11. I’m confident there are many people that support Trump and hate racism.

    So when Trump goes full racist in public and so much of MAGA takes his lead and fill forum with their vilest thoughts, the “normal” supporters must just try to hide until it blows over.

  12. What’s a moderate Republican? Anyone who plans to vote for project 2025 is not moderate

  13. Republicans have been a criminal organization for over 50 years. There’s no moderates.

  14. A moderate republican is analogous to a good RuZZian from ’22 – present or a good German from ’37 – ’45

  15. I don’t understand why moderates of any kind would vote for Trump. I’m a Never Trumper.

  16. It’s hilarious how stupid Rittenhouse wants to write in Ron Paul and all Maga dumped him.

  17. There are no moderate republicans.

    Anyone who *was*, is now a democrat by necessity; those who aren’t, are in not way shape or form “moderate”.

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