
Thank you to 🥔 bros for video

by Espanadiense

  1. We never invaded Mexico. We want compesation for the theft of New Spain. Mexico, pay now.

  2. Latin american politicians trying not to blame Spain for their issues challenge: impossible

  3. Mexico was one of the richest countries of the world when they got the independence. Silver mining and strong agriculture output with many universities.

  4. Do these people have a shallow knowledge of history themselves or they do this shit on purpose to get votes from ignorant people?

    Someone tell her poor Spanish immigrant ancestors that they “invaded” Mexico.

  5. This is the same as a Yank saying the UK must apologize for invading America

  6. Being a politician in Latin America must be really easy.
    If you make a mistake, instead of taking the blame, just blame Spain.

    If you want the attention away from you, just say something along the lines of “bring back the gold” or “Spain must apologize”.

  7. What about France? They were the last European country to invade Mexico. SMH our distant sleepy cousins must be taking naps during history class

  8. Latin Americans are literally the descendants of colonisers not the Spaniard who now love in Spain. Only Spanish Nobel families actually still profit from the colonial past.

  9. She’s not even in charge yet and already with this dumb shit.

    Asking for dumb shit to portray herself as “revolutionary” it’s easier than actually trying to fix our Mexican amigos problems, which are plenty. Bet you one peso that any Mexican alive would chose less corruption and violence over some banal apology.

    TLDR not happening

  10. Seeing how the new overlords of the world are coming along, it’ll come a time where the people of the world will miss when the west were the rulers.

  11. I’ll apologize if they send me some of that sweet colombian powder they move around with such dilligence

  12. it’s not hard to understand, same thing happens with a car’s antenna. you don’t complain about getting yours stolen, you steal another one.
    the Romans stole our gold, so we stole America’s gold. Latinos just need to bunch up and steal the gold from another country

  13. I mean… they are the Spaniards who stayed. Shouldn’t they apologise to the native americans?

  14. When you get invaded by spain it’s a celebration. Baby, we did it. Break out the square formation.

  15. I sometimes read Mexican politicians claims and go like “has Sanchez sent troops over there?”

  16. Not wanting to be a communist, looney lefty… But I am… The colonial powers were aware of their empires’ decline and set up systems like the ISDS and financial/banking secrecy jurisdictions in order to maintain control in countries that gained independence. These institutions and jurisdictions work against everyone, including the working people of the countries that founded them. For instance, if the UK elected a government that wanted to nationalise the water or electric infrastructure of the UK, the current owners and investors could sue the government for epic damages via the ISDS. And they could do so as a shell corporation, owned by anonymous parties based in a secrecy jurisdiction like the Cayman Islands, Belize, Gibraltar, technically administered by the UK. The only thing that stops it happening to the UK, US or France is the ability to project both political and military force. Which is something lesser developed nations can’t do.

    For example… If the UK nationalised the electric supply system, EDF might take us to court. But our political and military clout could make that a moot point. We could harass, seize and hold their assets within our jurisdictions. We could use our military and diplomatic services to capture executives and accuse them of whatever we want. We could use our media and journalistic infrastructure to make very realistic sounding accusations against them. We could make any ISDS settlement payout pale in comparison to the costs we could inflict. But El Salvador or Argentina cannot do this. So they get

  17. UFC had such a hilarious opportunity to have a Spaniard main the Mexican independence event, just another Dana L

  18. Mexico has no right to complain about anything. They let cartels and gangs run rampant and then act like it’s not their problem. Their mismanagement of organized crime in their country is quite possibly one of the best examples of how corruption can destroy nations. Honestly, if the entire government of Mexico were to suddenly disappear things would probably be better off because it ends up *removing* a benefactor of the cartels. Even though Spain has it’s own issues, they’d probably be better running the country than what they’ve got going on now.

  19. Yeah! It’s not like Mexico’s mestizo elite Hispanicized their country or something! It was all Spain’s fault /s

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