Firm told ‘woke free zone’ flag needs planning consent

Firm told ‘woke free zone’ flag needs planning consent

by Tartan_Samurai

  1. Give them planning permission. Let them fly this flag.

    Let prospective employees know that this place will not be respectful of their sex or gender, their sexuality, their neurodivergence, their individuality. Let them know that this is the sort of place where bullying is classed as banter, and sexual harassment is “boys will be boys”.

    Because that’s the impression that this flag gives off. An impression that modern decency and courtesy is something that has passed them by, and you can’t expect it from them whatsoever.

  2. >As well as the “woke-free zone” flag others would read “Forza”, “Net World 3PL”, “utopia city” and “Net World Sports”.

    Say what you will about the owner but he knows what he stands for. 

  3. Sounds like they didn’t get planning permission for the pole itself (which is standard), but they’re trying to spin it like they’re not being allowed their anti-woke flag.

  4. I imagine a “woke-free zone” would be a way to establish a reservation for elderly people?

  5. God I wish American bullshit culture would stop finding its way over here.

  6. Alex Loven has always been an attention seeking turd. The guy is such a non-entity and ever since he was awarded an MBE he’s fallen in love with the smell of his own farts. If he wants to fly his sad little flag, let him, just don’t give him the free PR he so desperately wants.

  7. The BBC using ragebait headlines is pretty sad, you’d think this was DM or Telegraph.

    It’s not the flag they need permission for, it’s the flagpole. Basic planning permission stuff being spun this way is really helping ease tensions I’m sure.

  8. Probably just can’t be arsed with the paperwork / news paper articles and payouts after calling some 6’2 bloke with a stubble a “he” and apparently getting it wrong so playing it safe by sticking a flag up.

  9. Imagine working in a place where HR and PM is not filled with DEI token trolls that can barely open the door.

  10. So if being woke is being anti- bigotry, is being anti-woke being anti-anti- bigotry?

    I’m no mathematician but I’m pretty sure a double negative cancels out. If you are anti-anti- something, then you are pro something.

    “I’m not racist, but I support people’s decision to be racist”

    Morons. The lot of them.

  11. Watch out according to the business owner. We are all covered by the cloak of wokeness, so I use the shield of bullshittery +5 to protect myself from him. Then attack with my sword of ah now that’s enough +3.

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