Starmer’s live facial recognition plan would usher in national ID, campaigners say

Starmer’s live facial recognition plan would usher in national ID, campaigners say

by callthesomnambulance

  1. I didn’t expect this Labour government to be popular. But I am surprised at how divisive their opening few weeks have been.

  2. Driving licences and credit cards are de facto ID cards. Facial recognition and sirveillance is everywhere these days, it’s no secret. What difference dors it make if you have to keep this info with you on an ID card? It should be required for voting and NHS appointments in order to prevent fraud.

  3. So wearing balaclava or ski mask is surely a fine thing to do then if you want to remain anonymous? Seeing as burqas are fine.

  4. I am baffled why we Brits are so against the idea of ID cards. Many other countries have them. We’re one of, if not THE most surveyed by CCTV country in the world already. We already carry all of this information on different items. ID cards wouldn’t make a single change to our civil liberties, they would just simplify things and possibly even improve them – for example, I don’t drive. Therefore I have to have a passport to prove my ID even though I don’t travel and passports aren’t cheap. I just can’t see what the issue with having them is that hasn’t already been in place for years.

  5. “I don’t want the government to monitor me via an ID card!!!”


     “I have a driving license and I already gave Facebook and TikTok all my personal info, plus my shoe size and a photo of my half naked brand new baby taken in front of my house, so you can clearly see where we live”.


  6. A weak government requires totalitarian measures to maintain order.

    What would George have to say?.. probably something like these are the animals you’ve farmed.

  7. Wait until they hear about driving licenses or passports.
    People are ok with using their face id for iphones and walk around with a device that has a camera and mic all the time.
    But hey, a piece of plastic made by the government is problematic.

  8. What was it captain picard said that kind of fits into this narrative. “A matter of internal security. The age old cry of the oppressor”

  9. This makes me ashamed to vote labour. They’ve made some good decisions. But absolutely terrible decisions (like this)

  10. Spain’s been using the DNI (NIE /TIE for foreigners) for years and nobody cares. It’s just a simple card and easier than carrying your passport about.

  11. Of course people here are all for this, this sub loves an authoritarian. Absolutely disgusting.

  12. I’m sure the right wingers will just love this idea def wont make them even angrier than the failed immigration methods western countries including the UK have been employing.

  13. They’ll outsource it and sell the data to a third party such as capita.
    It would be fine if they could be trusted but look at the post office debarkle 

  14. This has the fingerprints of the Blair Creature all over it; twenty years ago he was preaching we needed to surrender our liberties to fight the War on Terror; then we needed vaccine passports to “stop the spread” – now we need digital ID to fight illegal immigration/public disorder. The goalposts are continually shifting but the aim remains the same.

  15. Personally, I think ID cards are the least dystopian thing we current have to worry about.

    If anything, it does have some benefits

  16. I live in Germany. My wife only ever needs her passport when travelling to really far away places like the UK 😉 it’s small, easily fits in a wallet or purse and can’t survive getting wet. There really is no wax to convince me that this is a bad idea.

  17. What level of paranoid tinfoil hat wearer would you have to be to become a “campaigner” against ID lmao

  18. I really don’t see a problem with a national identity card, providing it is provided free (if they become mandatory) and is relatively simple to get (obviously there will need to be checks to prove you are who you say you are).

    I don’t think there is any information that could be linked to a national ID card that the government don’t already have access to through my passport and drivers license etc so I don’t see it as infringing on my personal privacy.

    If they were introduced and became mandatory then we’d see an end to people crying about how unfair it is that they have to show id to vote.

  19. screaming and moaning about voter ID on one hand yet totally fine to be compelled to show your papers going about your day to day business

  20. Like our passports or driving licenses? Dunno why people are so scared of this idea tbh

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