Familie der ermordeten Geisel Eitan Levi veröffentlicht Filmmaterial von Körpermisshandlung durch Mob in Gaza

Familie der ermordeten Geisel Eitan Levi veröffentlicht Filmmaterial von Körpermisshandlung durch Mob in Gaza


  1. Occupation for years in a land grab and pushed to the limit with basic human rights is going to be a powder keg of hate and frustration no matter who the victim is. No worse than was done in this country in our battle for independence from the English

  2. There is a reason no one wants Palestinians in their country and why even neighboring countries, as well as those that share a close religious similarity rather build a wall around them, then let them into their country.

  3. One of the Israeli officials, I don’t remember which, in a moment of anger and frustration with his European counterparts regarding the Palestinian issue, said, “Take them to Europe.” I think this idea is the best – disperse them through the West so they don’t have a hornet’s nest for their terrorism.

  4. this type of things makes me feel apathy and see them as a threat to society as a whole. My own personal opinion.

  5. I’m not surprised considering all the systematic humiliation they have suffered for decades now. Israelis are quite similar in supporting atrocities in Palestine, as a result of repeated and ongoing historical trauma. Characterising Palestinian or Israelis as deranged, evil or the like is futile.

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