In light of recent events and statements by Russian opposition figures, we want to ask once more: Putin’s War or Russia’s War?

In light of recent events and statements by Russian opposition figures, we want to ask once more: Putin’s War or Russia’s War?

by UNITED24Media

  1. Most Russians sure do think that they have some sort of ancestral right to Ukraine. Spoke to a Russian colleague, and he was as adamant as he was wrong about the last 2 and a half years of SMO. He even refused to acknowledge there were two sides of the matter. A real uphill battle with that one.

  2. Mainly Putin’s but still largely Russia’s war too. Could you see it stopping if he passed away tomorrow?

  3. The Russians always have and will be imperialistic. It’s so deep in their culture. Putin is just another tsar for them, a leader that they can follow. After Putin there will be another like him and it goes on and on.

  4. The Russians in Ukraine are responsible too?

    So regardless of anything it would be entirely unwise to let the occupied regions of Ukraine to now fall in the hands of Ukrainian government

  5. I recently listen on youtube to a lecture on the start of World War I. The professor pointed out that he felt there was no inherent reason for France and Germany to go to war. However, once the conflict began, both sides started inventing and promoting reasons to justify the war so each finding after-the-fact rationales for the hostilities.

    I suspect the same thing is happening here. This war should never have happened, fu*K Putin, now with so many dead, people need a justification for all this destruction.

  6. russia’s war, russian gov doesn’t even need to fake elections (at least not too much), russians like putin

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