Lunch in the Finnish Army

Lunch in the Finnish Army

by AirportCreep

  1. I was way more lucky.

    I went to place called Isosaari, a tiny island. There 3 grandma’s made food with same budget as large place so we had:

    – freshly baked bread, still warm, slices thick as my arm
    – huge “Swiss steaks”
    – Home made non alcoholic beer, kotikalja from huge pints (kvass?)
    – best porridge i have eat in my whole life
    – truly meaty and thick pean soup with as much grandma made pancakes you could eat

    And so on Every meal was a feast, we all looked forward to each meal. And Sundays were extra special because same thing but only couple people left on island.

    After basic training i left for Navy, which didn’t have as good food but atleast much better than in land forces because again, ship cooks cooked what they wanted to eat as well

  2. Looks pretty good to me! Some of the scran I remember from back in the day was very ropey…

  3. The Finnish army lunch looks quite hearty and practical. Definitely gives a glimpse into their daily life!

  4. Us Mediterraneans are spoiled I guess. Doesn’t look that bad just soups aren’t that big here especially in summer with scorching heatwaves

  5. Picture taken from the mess hall in Hamina? 😀
    Attending there in the Military Tattoo on behalf of the Norwegian Royal Guard’s band!

  6. Every Thursday in the Swedish army, when I was in garrison, we got yellow pea soup with bacon and pancakes with berry jam as a side.
    In the end I was so sick if it I just ate the pancakes. Was nice when you were at a training field, and they would drive it out.

  7. “11:55 takaisin yksiköllä syöneenä ja tupakoineena jos tupakoi” (ilmoitettu 11:42)

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