DAY TWO: Which Western European can fairly beat you up and will?

DAY TWO: Which Western European can fairly beat you up and will?

by Catwinky

  1. In a One-on-one, against countries of roughly equal strength, and of course also against smaller countries: Hansland

    Against a larger country or even an alliance: Barryland. Barry usually has a very good hand in choosing his own alliance partners.

  2. I’d say Barry. He keeps it more quiet than us but you shouldn’t push it to his easily reachable limits

  3. Liechtenstein. We’re living in constant fear of them.

    Please, no, not again 🫣

  4. Id say UK cause they don’t destroy where they go, they just build roads, take a few pots and money and keep the status quo until some other big countries object.

    (They lost to a peacefull protest led by a skinny pedo smh)

  5. Am I missing something about France? I thought they’re always the first one to waive a white flag and beg for forgiveness.

  6. I think Barry should go “can kill you if deserved”. This spot should go to an aggressor that is less potent. I say we give this one to Giuseppe.

  7. Honestly I think we should get “Kill you in an instant, if deserved” (by deserved, I mean whatever we deem as such, like touching our rocks).

  8. Probs uncle Barry but let’s be honest if he’s loosing he will call his mates and by that I means his kids

  9. Gotta be us brexit geezers. We don’t destroy people we just steal all their land and put all their belongings in a museum.

  10. Go fuck yourself, OP. Dumbass karma-farming, spam bullshit. Go do something less stupid, like take a swim in some raw sewage.

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