What is wrong with them actually

What is wrong with them actually

by Stetinac

  1. That happens when you get governed by foreign Incestoids for centuries.

    And Poland is just really wants to like Germany to distance itself from Russia. But it has a hard time doing so

  2. I love how Poland is mentioned on this sub more than Portugal <3
    We truly are Western Europe at this point

  3. I was agreeing until I saw the Albanian flag. They shouldn’t be included in any group

  4. Slovenia only normal central european country!! (I am biased because i have family there)

  5. I like to think Nordicks are too introvert to comment, Iberians are having a siesta and no one is understanding what Dutches are talking about

  6. We are all Central Europe here is Massachusetts too. We’re one of the more western bits.

  7. Guys recently there has been a lot of Poland posting. Relax a bit, im here to laugh at the French, Brits and the Dutch not to see my flag.

  8. If you take us in, we’d offer Pilsner, meth and pornstars! That must be worth something right?

  9. I guess it really depends on what factors you go. Personally I just take it geographically and look at where the wall was. everything west of it is western Europe, everything East of it is Eastern Europe. Germany being a special case here because the wall went through it.

  10. How long has Poland been “bully with a victim complex”? I love that lol only just noticed it

  11. I’m gonna get a lot of shit for this but I do absolitely agree with the idea of Central Europe. I’ve never been to Poland or Slovakia but I think Czechia and Slovenia definitely are Central European and Hungary probably too, although this is going the wrong way because of their autocrat.

  12. Ah yes, the coveted “Central Europe” title!

    I’ll just have a (filthy southern)popcorn while the girls settle that one.

  13. Tbf i don’t understand why Czechs aren’t allowed in when we already have a slavic western european country in Portugal. 

  14. No matter what side you take let’s agree that Albania shouldn’t be even mentioned

  15. You are so incapable of framing us eastern europe that even our flair is not “eastern european in denyal”. So pathetic. Insult me properly. This is boring.

  16. Why would one strive to be the second place? You’re still a loser, just the first loser.

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