Researchers in ‘total awe’ after spotting rare whale not seen in decades: ‘Shed tears and could barely speak’

Researchers in ‘total awe’ after spotting rare whale not seen in decades: ‘Shed tears and could barely speak’

Researchers in ‘total awe’ after spotting rare whale not seen in decades: ‘Shed tears and could barely speak’

by Trees-of-green

  1. >We safeguard these amazing animals for future generations via laws such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act.

    >Reducing your reliance on sources of dirty energy and cutting plastic consumption can help by decreasing the production of pollution tied to rising global temperatures, which threaten species, habitats, and environments around the world.

  2. A renewed commitment to stewardship of our one and only environment would be good for us all.

    Humans are motivated by many things, not just power and money. We can be better.

  3. Yeah, cause some people actually care about the amazing life that is on this planet and not fucking profit!!!

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