Lady had to tell them that obviously that’s not a good idea

by Dragon_M4st3r

  1. She is CENTIMETRES away from getting electrocuted, the track there has a third rail that is live.

  2. Hi! Railway worker here!

    What’s they’re doing isn’t just stupid but also illegal and very dangerous. Like they’re literally trespassing.

    All it takes is for the barriers warning to go off, someone to fall and panic, then a train approaching at 75mph and crush them to death. Trains don’t just stop instantly, even when the driver hits the emergency brakes.

    Railways are not to be fucked with in the slightest. A while ago a train collided with a jumper at Newark. Head went flying into the adjacent car park.

    If you see this again, report it to Network Rail. You could be saving a stupid persons life.

  3. When I worked for network rail morons like this were specifically called out during health and safety courses.

  4. When our kids were little they watched the CBeebies dance programme called ‘Boogie-Beebies’. There was an episode where the children were dancing on railway Iines – green-screened but still not a good example. I think it was pulled after complaints.

    Edit: just found it: [go to 10m28s.](

    Edit 2: some of those kids weren’t even trying!

  5. St dunstans crossing? Gets lots of use by both hispeed and mainline services in both directions. Absolute morons

  6. They need to bring those adverts back… you know the ones, that traumatised you.

  7. Lots of people have made similar points, but I don’t think people realize who quiet trains are (especially electric trains) and how quickly they are on you at full speed.

    I used to have to cross a foot crossing on the way to work, on an electrified line on a bend. From one direction you had a clear line of sight. From the other it was essentially blind. If you missed the flashing amber warning light, the only thing that told you of an approaching train was the vibration of the rails. And then, you had about 5 seconds to get out of the way before a train at 100mph was on you.

    Do not play chicken with trains. Or do stupid things like this.

  8. The flowers are a bit ominous.

    I know Canterbury is known for its pilgrims, but if you want to be closer to god there are better ways.

  9. i live two streets away from this level crossing and cross it on foot all the time. it’s in constant use by regular, high speed, and unscheduled freight trains. what fucking morons.

  10. That’s Canterbury West…. Not even like a branch line that’s rarely used. That line has service every 15-20 minutes including HS1 lmao. What the hell

  11. Is that woman in jeans telling them they are stupid ?? Looks like the person holding the camera is reacting to her

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