Help! Bed bug infestation in newly rented apartment – what are my rights

When I moved in I found out baby bed bugs on my apartment and the hallway – they 100% don't come from my stuff as I lived bug-free in my previous apartment.
What should be done as a first step.
What are my rights?
Should I hire a lawyer ASAP?
It's their fault, I have videos and photos, I want my rent and deposit back and all infestation and accompanying expenses paid by the building maintenance company, is it possible?

by Dense-Blacksmith-713

  1. These don’t look like bedbugs to me, they look like Adistemia Watsoni, or Moderkäfer in German, a sign of mold or increased humidity, but not directly dangerous to humans afaik

  2. that’s not a bed bug. catch one and bring them to a specialist to find out what it is, then you act accordingly. no reason to involve a lawyer before you even know what it is

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