I know nothing about judo but this just seemed ridiculous

Posted by commonrider5447

  1. haha, so commentators explained that korea decided to not line up their +90kg for unknown reasons and their -90kg was lined up against the -80kg french.

    Its a bluff choice. Idea was to win before this fight happen but yes Its ridiculous

  2. I can see the Quarter Finals in the corner. That does mean the Korean athlete defeated others to reach till here? Admiral considering the weight difference.

  3. I know one of the mantras of martial arts is you can use the enemy strength against him…but having strenght yourself sure does help lol

  4. The goal was to have a more mobile fighter and try to win swiftly and to surprise Riner early in the fight. The more the fight went on, the more it favoured Riner.

    It’s possible to win against someone heavier by using their strength against themselves, which is kind of the point of judo, but the difference was too big, especially against someone as strong as Riner.

  5. This reminds me of the early days of UFC fights when they would pair fighters of wildly sizes as they didn’t have weight classes 

  6. Yeah this whole thing is bs this dude is just ao huge he picks them up like children and its over

  7. Okay, where are all the “it’s not fair” to have someone with stronger muscles compete people now??

  8. I loved the women’s heavyweight. People talking about chromosomes and whatnot but they’re not talking about a 138 kg lady damn near choking someone under 100 out.

  9. in judo outside of olympia usually a fight of teams has 5 or 7 fights depending on the league. if a team can’t set the highest weights for example with a 100kg guy they can always push someone from lower weight up. U always can fight in higher weight classes but not in lower. So if a team only has 5 or 7 fighter all less than 90kg they need to push someone up to 100kg or give this fight up. usually u push due to having a slightly chance of winning. In Olympics tho I would expect all team being able to fill each weight class. But does not seem so so maybe they did this tactics.

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