Based GUNS helping PIGS get rid of their boomers.

Based GUNS helping PIGS get rid of their boomers.

by Furdodgems

  1. Knew a lad who went Barcelona for 10 days. 10 days is insanity but very dedicated to the Boomercide

  2. You all should just spend your holidays in Portugal. Some dutch caravaners are already here…

  3. Be Spaniard.
    Have by far the highest unemployment rate in the EU for over a decade.
    Be born in a country which is beautiful by no merrit of my own.
    Other people want to come and give me money to stay in the beautiful country. Nature is already doing the heavy lifting to attract them and they give me 1/8 of my entire GDP.
    All there is to do is organize the infrastructure and housing.
    Luckily, Barcelona is a modern, planned city. None of that “this road used to be a wall” and “this house housed the emperors second favorite pig, so you can’t paint it” bullshit.

    I can’t see how this can go wrong in the future.

  4. I wish these platforms would release data so you can see how many Spanish people stay in apartments.

    Anyone on these protests, like those two girls squirting water at tourists the other day should have their own trips posted, because I’d bet that those two girls have probaby been to Ibiza a few times and stayed in apartments.

  5. Boomers in picture are clearly zombies. Look at their skin, it’s grey. Thank god they’re going away.

  6. Tourists don’t even like tourists. If you could double the costs for them then fewer will come and these who come have a better experience. Win-Win. 

  7. Genuinely sad tbh. I hope Spain (and other countries in the same situation) finds a way to regulate this.

    And also, for anyone with common sense, dont visit cities you know are filled with tourists and expats. Both for this reason, and for your own experience.

  8. ![gif](giphy|nAxtz792vSp2LrO4DG|downsized)

    Me flying to Barcelona in 24 hours knowing every penny I spend in the local economy furthers Juan’s downfall…. somehow

  9. I never leave Germany. Not cause I’m broke or anything, I just choose t… ok I’m broke ffs

  10. *“Man isn’t it sad how those evil guiris make everything so expensive 😔 Anyways, please buy our artsy toilet paper for only 25€ 😊”*

  11. Ganuinely don’t understand this. If you don’t want to leave your apartment why rent it out in the first place?

  12. I don’t get why Spanish people are so angry at tourists? It’s YOUR national and local governments that created the conditions for this, and they have the power to reduce tourism in a dozen ways, literally whenever they want. They choose not to. Get angry at them, not us.

  13. To some level I can understand the protests, there’s a housing crisis here in the Netherlands too. For various reasons (expats, refugees, heavily regulated new construction etc) local people can get a house too….. in the popular cities. Outside those popular cities, in remote parts of the country, you can get a house more easily and for a reasonable price.

    Back to Spain: outside the crowded cities there are more than enough houses and apartments for sale or rent, for quite reasonable prices. There’s however one thing: it’s hard to find work.

    And that’s why our GUNS money is more than welcome in all the PIGS countries.

  14. Someone needs to edit this to make the tourists look like immigrants to see that same sub’s reaction

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