Gen never thought I’d see it, Belfast City hall today

Gen never thought I’d see it, Belfast City hall today

by No_Following_2191

  1. Bunch of pea brained idiots, many of these people would have lived through persecution themselves over the past 60 years and now they are turning on others. Shame on them.

  2. Why’s that guy got his face covered up like he’s going to rob a bank? Is the protest not supposed to be _against_ violence

  3. I do not care if your catholic or Protestant, if anyone attended the anti immigrant protests and marchs they are hate filled people. Blaming other people for their own problems. Any other Saturday they’d be singing the billy boys or go on home British soldiers. They all just need someone to hate and the new flavour is refugees.

  4. By tonight the Nazis from down south and the Nazi loyalist will start battering each other.

  5. Any attendants of the anit-immigrant marches here are scum. Racist scum, pure and simple.

  6. the rich politicans and corporations who caused all this shite are probs sat laughing because they’re getting off easy sinfe everyone thinks it’s fucking immigrants. this is exactly what happened in germany in the 30s everyone blaming economic issues on a certain minority and we all know where that lead.

  7. Go after the elite you fucking fools – this is and has always been a class war with divide and conquer tactics.

  8. Was in the area today. 

    The anti-immigration protest was so heavily outweighed by the anti-facist protest it must have been so embarrassing for them. There were maybe 40 of the fascists and 300 of everyone else telling them to go home.

    Literally seen a mum with a union Jack round her shoulders with about 4 kids all dressed in red/white/blue quickly shuffle out of the small gathering and take her cape off then go into a shop. 

  9. These Irish “patriots” will put aside differences with unionists/loyalists to hate brown people. In fact they see these people as their allies because of their common hatred. Patriots me bollocks 🤷

  10. Great to see these Christians coming together, to, I assume, welcome those in need of shelter

    I’m sure they’ll all have a wonderful discussion about it in their local churches tomorrow……….

  11. It’s the kids being dragged along to that which pisses me off almost as much as the event itself. How about protect your kids from turning into a racist knuckledragger like that lot.

  12. So proud of her attendance that she has to cover her face. Bunch of bigots and racists.

  13. All their Facebook feeds are exactly the same. Couldn’t muster a critical thought between them.

  14. Union Jacks and Irish flags flying together in Northern Ireland. Hell must’ve frozen over lol.

  15. Okay. First of all, refugees don’t choose where they are housed and don’t have access to the general waiting list. They can’t claim benefits and get a tiny allowance per week. Asylum seekers can’t access the NHS unless they have an emergency.

    The UK Defence Budget is 54 billion. Housing asylum seekers cos 4.3 billion.

    There is a social housing crisis in northern ireland which is a combination of right to buy depleting the stock and NIHE inability to build houses. That is due to the policies blocking the NIHE to borrow money in order to build. To add to that, their homeless budget was cut in half this year.

    I work on the frontline of social housing.

    Immigration is not the problem. The problem is the systemic under funding of public services. The people in charge are denying culpability by using racist rhetoric to shift the blame.

  16. Zombies are the majority unfortunately. There’s probably one reading this right now.

  17. For all those people talking about a mass influx of asylum seekers, where are you getting your information from, facebook?

    According to [Home Office Immigration Statistics](, the worker growth largely comes from an increase in “Skilled Worker – Health and Care” visa grants, main applicants for which have almost doubled

  18. Don’t care what flag they’re holding. They can fuck off out of here with that shite. These cunts are just Orangemen with international funding.

  19. I was at the counter protest, we were multiple times their size to the point they were not able to get to the bit cordoned off for them. They started throwing fireworks at us.

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