SBU hunted down the fully loaded TOS-1A “Solntsepiok” (Blazing sun) heavy flamethrower system, which is the “pride” of the Russian military industry and a rare target at the front

SBU hunted down the fully loaded TOS-1A “Solntsepiok” (Blazing sun) heavy flamethrower system, which is the “pride” of the Russian military industry and a rare target at the front

by Igor0976

  1. Very pleasing heat bloom on the thermals…

    Any remains are gonna be delivered to the next of kin in a sponge.

  2. Ah TOS systems never dissapoint. They always makr such a nice kaboom. Must be so scary driving these.

  3. Luckily it was riding to the positions, so many soldiers lives saved.

    When tos hits it’s very hard to survive, even under cover. So this is a great target from SBU.

  4. It’s like a great magic trick, now you see it, blink and now you don’t.
    Sláva Ukrayíni 🇺🇦

  5. I want to see the mobik crew faces when they was assigned to drive TOS. Any hit and you instantly evaporated and your family will not receive even sack of potatoes. No body – no problems.

  6. How many TOS-1a systems does Russia have left? Last time I read about them I thought the article said there were only a few remaining.

  7. Not only the pride of the Russian army but is also a division level controlled asset.

  8. I remember seeing those in February, 2022 thinking how devastatingly terrifying they are. Now, it’s the roosky crew contemplating when their fiery disappearance from earth will happen.

  9. there’s a special kind of karma for the operators of that thing to perish in the blast

  10. Crews missing in action. So, no potato or onions for the family. Not even a Xmas card.

  11. Very unusual shockwave. Was there a secondary wave or was that a rewind replay thing, Im curious.

    Very effective hit.

  12. $6.5mil…. poof. Think of all the sacks of potatoes that money could have been used for.

  13. WAS the prize of the Russian army. TODAY it’s a smoking reminder of the rusting, aging, incompetent Russian army.

  14. Those guys might need a bandaid or two. I suspect the crew got an ouchie with that one.

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