Romania will have the largest gunpowder factory in EU. The ‘first shovel’ on 1st of August. Financed by European Defense fund

Romania will have the largest gunpowder factory in EU. The ‘first shovel’ on 1st of August. Financed by European Defense fund

by EUstrongerthanUS

  1. Damn thats big creeper farm… Most of it is useless tho since 128meters despaw range smh… Should made it more stories high instead. /j

  2. I just wish we would live in a world where we could build medicine for all factories instead.. one planet of beauty with plenty for all and we just kill each other.

  3. I hope it’s not close to the border with Ukraine … A stray missile hitting this facility won’t end good

  4. This coupled with the expansion of what will be the biggest military airbase in Eastern Europe + South Korea k9 howitzer deal = Romania stronk NATO and EU ally

  5. Ironic, given we have some of the strictest gun laws in europe. Or is that considered a plus ?

  6. This sub hypes up war so much, but if it ever comes to any actual fighting, you’ll do it like the Russians, leave, and then complain about how bad war is.

  7. Shouldn’t we built these kinds of important factories as far away from russia
    And china as possible not as close as possible

  8. Wouldn’t it be smarter to have several different locations and smaller footprints?

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