What a weirdo.

What a weirdo.

Posted by Pessimist2020

  1. Man who’s been coddled his entire life, surrounded by yes men and literally handed millions of dollars defends how “normal” he is.

  2. The only defense to this tactic is to embrace it. But they’d never do that.

  3. Yes, the painted orange man with yellow cotton candy hair, who drones on about Hannibal Lecter, windmills, showers, and toilets, and says he’d fuck his daughter if she weren’t related, has never been called weird before.

  4. lol, weaksauce

    I’m starting to feel Scott’s Tots levels of vicarious embarrassment for people who actually like this dude.

  5. He knows that he’s weird, but he lies about it, just like he lies about everything else.

  6. 78 year-old sex offender with 34 fraud felonies, dark orange bronzer a half-shade away from blackface, heel lifts in his shoes, adult diapers, and a pile of translucent yellow cotton candy on his head and eyebrows who loves to talk about children’s (and his own daughter’s) genitalia: “I’m not weird, you guys are weird”

  7. I hate to break it to you Donny but LOTS of people have been calling you weird for a long time; just perhaps not to your face. Creepy also comes to mind.

  8. The guy who paid a porn star hush money isn’t weird.

    The guy who stole classified documents isn’t weird.

    The guy who was impeached twice isn’t weird.

    The guy with like 40 felonies isn’t weird.

    The guy who snorted Adderall isn’t weird.

    The guy who inspected teenagers for a beauty pageant isn’t weird.

    The guy who’s on Epstein’s flight logs isn’t weird.

    The guy who has a pending rape charge isn’t weird.

    The guy who can’t construct a sentence beyond 5th grade isn’t weird.

    The guy who chose a couch fucker as his running mate isn’t weird.

    The guy who built a cult isn’t weird.

    Sir, you are a lot of fucking things. A LOT of things and weird is what bothers you?

    You are fucking weird dude. A weird fucking danger to this nation. Ya fuckin weirdo.

  9. “Nobody’s ever called me weird”, says man who has been called weird for years.

  10. Nobody has ever called him a weirdo?!

    Seems like everyone is calling him a weirdo.

  11. I think George Conway has got it right. Trump can’t handle ridicule. He can’t just let it go. He has to defend his fragile ego at all costs. This is the perfect attack. They ARE weird. Just look at the guy. Look at his most ardent followers dressed in diapers with a pillow on their ears. How weird can you get?

  12. For a man Getting up every day and putting on a thick layer of pancake makeup before you go out is weird.

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