Anti-immigration and pro immigration protest meet in Belfast. Union Jacks and Irish flags on one side, Palestine and LGBT flags on the other. History in reverse it is happening

Anti-immigration and pro immigration protest meet in Belfast. Union Jacks and Irish flags on one side, Palestine and LGBT flags on the other. History in reverse it is happening

by aubaneyang

  1. Riots in quaint English towns and peaceful disagreements on the streets of Belfast.

    What a time to be alive.

  2. Wait since when did the unionists and republican put their troubles aside and link up to hate foreigners?

  3. LGBT and Palestine together vs Irish and British together. Talk about weird teammates

  4. The whole lgbt and Palestine team up still weirds me out

    Yes you can be gay and against the actions of Israel and want the bombing to stop but don’t act like hamas and palestine wouldn’t have you hanging off a building if they were in power, they hate you and their religion is just as intolerant of you as Christians, moreso even

    Immigration is such a deep and complex topic and I hate its basically been boiled down to ‘NO IMMIGRANTS’ vs ‘LET EVERYBODY IN’

  5. The unionists and loyalists united in their disgust of the open borders, pro palestine freaks

  6. Are you sure it’s a pro-immigration protest and not like “anti racism” or something? Or is that just your interpretation? Because obviously if one side is anti -immigration the other side has to be pro, that’s just how things work, amirite? (spoiler alert: no they don’t you dumbass)

  7. Gays for Islam call you a weird nazi for having a family that you dont want to be shanked by a Rudakubana, how do you respond?

  8. dam, you know it’s bad when loyalists and nationalists are fighting together in the same side

  9. Cause the last thing either we Brits or the Irish want are more religiously driven sectarian BS on the British isles.

    The catholics and protestants are bad enough.. we don’t need to add sunni and Shiite to the mix

  10. the pride flag next to the flag of a muslim nation is certainly interesting.

    also not sure what the pride flag has to do with immigration. are we starting our own country?

  11. I don’t understand how people are confused for LGBT people supporting Palestinians.

    If you believe in human rights, you believe in human rights for everyone. Not just the people who you like, or the people who are nice to you.

  12. Using a foreign “country’s” flag to show support for immigration is perfect… If you want to alienate people and show exactly why immigration is a problem

    At least the Catholics and Protestants are finally getting along, very wholesome

  13. This is actually just that tug of war comic where the guy is confused about the teams.

  14. Interesting the beware waving the Irish flag as I know many Irish people who are quite anti-immigration.

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