Der Iran warnt, dass die Hisbollah als Reaktion auf den israelischen Angriff auf Beirut wahrscheinlich nichtmilitärische Ziele auf israelischem Territorium angreifen wird

Der Iran warnt, dass die Hisbollah als Reaktion auf den israelischen Angriff auf Beirut wahrscheinlich nichtmilitärische Ziele auf israelischem Territorium angreifen wird

  1. That’s adorable that Hezbollah and Iran claimed they were targeting military infrastructure. They weren’t, but now they admitted they’re intentionally targeting civilians I’m sure they’ll be condemned, right?

  2. “Iran instructs Hezbollah to hit civilian targets in Israeli territory” is how I’m reading the headline.

  3. I hear absolute crickets from the usual suspects across the Islamic world, as well as the anti-Israeli supporters on university campuses and on the streets in Western nations at this revelation.

    Now, imagine if Israel declared that they had manufactured hundreds of thousands of litres of napalm, and declared that they *”will not restrict itself solely to military targets and means”*.

    The outrage would be instant and deafening.

  4. They DID hit civilians. They hit a football pitch in a Muslim Druze town.

    Then tried to deny it.

  5. Unguided ground-to-ground rockets can’t be targeted with any accuracy. You basically just aim it in the direction of the country you don’t like an hope it kills ANYBODY. The weapons being used against Israel never had the potential to be used against military targets specifically, and the people who build/bought them knew that when they built/bought them.

  6. The level of cowardice of Iran is awesome. “Our funded militias in a foreign neighbour country will hit you hard. And you’ll have to retaliate against foreign civilians that we will use as shield.”

  7. You mean like the things they are firing all the time, regularly, into Israel… not that different.

  8. So many people have said, over the last year, that the deliberate targeting of non-military targets is a crime against humanity.

    I wonder if they’ll say it now…

  9. Isn’t that what Hezbollah does anyways them cries victim when hit back?

  10. Yeah that worked out so well for Hamas, I’m sure this won’t result in hezbollah being eliminated

  11. Just FYI, they annihilated roughly 70% of the CIVILIAN houses in Metula, a northern town in Israel. Not including Kiryat Shemona, Nahariya, Majdal Shams where they killed those 12 Druze children. They have been targeting civilians since October 8th, and even in those cases which they actually aim for military targets – more often than not they miss and still manage to hit civilians. It’s not like anything is different due to Iran’s message now lol

  12. Great. And Israel will then attack Iranian infrastructure. And we’re off to the races.

  13. That’s amazing they’re admitting to breaking the Geneva Convention before even doing it.

    At least they are owning up this time

  14. So terrorism as usual. Because we are pathetic cowards, we will attack people who can’t fight back.

    And worst part is, Conservatives will ask for innocent civilians on their end to be murdered and liberals will be like “fucking good” when Israeli civilians are murdered.

    Source: The liberal part: one of my friends from high school who genuinely said this and had me going what in the fuck…

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